Social scientist with expertise in AI, information science, and science & technology studies.

Working at the intersection of responsible AI, human-centered data science, and social sciences, I tackle the sociotechnical, organizational, and ethical challenges of doing AI.

I currently work as a Responsible AI (RAI) researcher at Microsoft via Kforce in Mihaela Vorvoreanu’s UX Research and Education (UXRE) team. In this role, I mostly focus on the emergent challenge of appropriate reliance on Generative AI (GenAI). I am also an RAI assessment lead and a redteamer for Microsoft’s Deployment Safety Board.

Ph.D. (2021)
Information Science
Cornell University
M.Sc. Research (2012)
Science & Technology Studies
Maastricht University
B.Tech. (2010)
Information Technology

Recent Updates

Excited for our forthcoming book chapter Maintaining Data Infrastructures in the International Handbook of Data and Society, in collaboration with Steven Jackson, Jen Liu, and Ranjit Singh.

Released new research synthesis on Appropriate Reliance on Generative AI (GenAI), in collaboration with Shipi Dhanorkar and Mihaela Vorvoreanu.

Our paper Seamful XAI: Operationalizing Seamful Design in Explainable AI is accepted to ACM CSCW 2024. Work led up Upol Ehsan.

Our paper The Who in Explainable AI: How AI Background Shapes Perceptions of AI Explanations is accepted to ACM CHI 2024. Work led by Upol Ehsan.

Released new research report on the Responsible AI Maturity Model, in collaboration with Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Amy Heger, Shipi Dhanorkar, Zoe Kahn, and Ruotong Wang.

Excited to be selected as an Affiliate of the Data & Society research organization.

Released new research synthesis on Overreliance on AI, in collaboration with Mihaela Vorvoreanu.